
Tour Guide Presentation—Audio Version 1
编号001 博物馆概况,
Number 001 Overview of the Museum
Dear visitors and friends, welcome to visit Shuidonggou Tourist Attraction.
We are now paying a visit to Shuidonggou Site Museum. With the construction area of 4308 square meters, it is built by imitating the shape of the stone implement unearthed in Shuidonggou, which is called steinkern. Instead of following the traditional forms of display, it adopts large sculptures, super large panorama paintings, phantom imaging, live-actions, cultural relics, etc. By using the state of the art technology of sound, light, electricity, etc., it recreates the scenes of how the ancient people hunted and lived 30, 000 years ago, as well as the lively scenes of migration of ancient people triggered by arising disasters, which feature itself the first of its kind among Chinese museums. Furthermore, with the largest area in China, it is also the only indoor experiencing pavilion with audiences involved. Many of its patent technologies have filled up the blanks in the field both at home and abroad.
编号002 序厅雕塑:《发现》
Number 002 Sculptures of the Preface Hall: “Discovery”
We are now visiting the Preface Hall of the museum. This set of large sculptures seated in front of you is named “discovery”. It reveals to us such a scene: 30, 000 years ago, a group of ancient people departed from their original habitat and traveled thousands of miles to a place named Shuidonggou. What they had seen thrilled them with a pleasant surprise. With luxuriant vegetation spreading everywher, rhinoceros, Asiatic wildass, Bos primigenius were leisurely feeding themselves in the thick growth of grass. Antelopes and Spirocerussp were feasting on the lush and tender leaves that are full of dewdrops. Obviously, it was quite a suitable place for the ancient people to live in. Thus they settled and kicked off the history of Ningxia.
编号003 Number 003
现在我们通过前言了解一下水洞沟文化:水洞沟地区是三万年前人类繁衍生息的圣地。1923年,法国古生物学家德日进、桑志华在这里发现了旧石器时代遗址,出土了大量石器和古生物化石。水洞沟因此而成为我国最早发现的旧石器时代人类文化遗址, 成为中国史前考古的发祥地。此后又经过多次考古发掘, 出土了五万多件石器和上百件动物化石。其中构成水洞沟文化基础的石制品、工具以及石器制作技术,可以和欧洲、西亚和北非的莫斯特、奥瑞纳时期人类栖居地的石器相媲美。从水洞沟出土的石器、装饰品的制作工艺、精致程度分析,在三万年前,宁夏水洞沟人的生产已达到了同时代最先进、最高水平,使用着领先的、精美的石制工具。这种现象, 为我国已发现的旧石器时代晚期文化所仅有。宁夏人民因水洞沟而感到骄傲,中国人民为此而自豪。
Now, we are going to have some knowledge of Shuidonggou culture through the preface. Shuidonggou area is the sacred place wher the ancient people have lived and multiplied 30,000 years ago. In the year 1923, French paleontologists P.Teilhard de Chardin and E.Licent discovered Paleolithic Age site and unearthed a large number of stone implements and paleontology fossils. Shuidonggou thus became the first place wher Paleolithic human culture relic was found and it became the “birthplace of Chinese prehistoric archaeology”. After multiple archaeological excavations, more than five thousand stone implements and hundreds of animal fossils had been unearthed. Among which, the stoneware, tools and stone implements manufacturing technique serving as the foundation of Shuidonggou culture can compare favorably with the stone implements discovered in Mousterian and Aurignacian human habitats of Europe, West Asia and North Africa. Craftsmanship and delicacy of the stone implements and ornaments unearthed in Shuidonggou prove that ancient people living in Ningxia Shuidonggou had attained the most advanced and highest level of production in the same age 30,000 years ago by using the leading and exquisite stone tools. This phenomenon is the only one of its kind ever seen in the late Paleolithic culture in China. People of Ningxia take pride in Shuidonggou and Chinese people feel proud of it.
水洞沟文化产生于荒蛮,影响于后世。水洞沟遗址博物院通过全面展示史前水洞沟人的生产活动和生活场景,使大家对水洞沟文化遗址有一个较为系统的了解,以增强人们爱护生态环境、保护文物古迹的意识。三万年以前的水洞沟人, 会因为我们对他们的关注和珍爱感到欣慰。
Generated in the savage era, Shuidonggou culture has been influencing the later ages ever since then. By fully displaying the scenes of hunting and living activities of the prehistoric people in Shuidonggou, Shuidonggou Site Museum intends to make the visitors have a systematic understanding of Shuidonggou culture relic, which in turn would enhance people’s awareness of cherishing ecological environment and protecting cultural relics and historical sites. Ancient people living in Shuidonggou 30,000 thousand years ago would be gratified for our attention and love offered to them.
编号004 人类演化史之食物来源与工具演变
Number 004 Human Evolution History: Source of Food and Evolution of Tool
It takes a long course for human beings to be evolved from primitive people to modern people. From here, you can have a look at the three-dimensional narration of ancient life: the ancient ape greeting us tells us that picking fruits in trees had been one of the earliest ways of sourcing food by ancient people. Hunting activities only started after the invention of stone implements while the use of iron implements later on promoted the development of farming. The diversified implements of production for modern people have made life more rich and colorful. Production in information era has reached a level of being professional, large-scale and technology-based and has always been seeking for time and efficiency…The continuous updat of implements has accelerated the progress of human civilization!
Judging from these scenes, we can see that in the long history of human evolution, development of ancient people mainly undergoes the following four stages: early ape man, late ape man, early Homo sapiens and late Homo sapiens. The ancient people living in Shuidonggou belong to the stage of late Home sapiens which dates back to 30,000 to 10,000 years ago. Their physical features lie between the 3rd and the 4th model, which means the ancient people living in Shuidonggou had experienced both the late Palaeolithic age and the Neolithic Age. They were mainly involved in fruits picking and hunting activities. Implements of production had started to change from chipped stone implements to polished stone implements.
编号005 投影
Number 005 Projection
Evolution of human being can be categorized in four stages according to morphologic changes: early ape man, late ape man, early Homo sapiens and late Homo sapiens. At the very beginning, humans were large primates. They climbed trees with arms and legs and walked with the assist of both hands. During the process of evolution, they could walk upright and hands were freed. While the proportion of upper body decreased, cranial capacity gradually increased. With the contraction of lower jawbone, their faces grew flat and their pilus gradually disappeared, which finally become our appearance today. The ancient people living in Shuidonggou belong to late Homo sapiens. They are also known as modern people in anatomy, which is the last stage of primitive man. Evolution of human beings from early ape man to late Homo sapiens has undergone a very long history of 2.5 million years.
006 石器介绍
006 Introduction to Stone Implements
Implements extend the labor power and bodies, which serves as the foundation of human being’s effective survival. In the ancient Palaeolithic age, the ancient people mainly adopted stone as the material for making implements and materials like bone and horn were also used later on, simply because other materials would decay easily and be hard to preserve. Large amount of stone implements left by the ancient people have become the major materials to be analyzed by researchers engaged in archaeological studies. They explore the behaviors and ways of living of the ancient people. Human beings had started to make stone implements at approximately 2.5 million years ago.
The most primitive way of making stone implements in Palaeolithic age was to form cutting edge by knocking or striking a stone which finally became a stone implement. While certain methods and procedures were needed to make stone implements with sharp cutting edge for cutting purpose: First, the required flagstone was chopped off the stone and then was further trimmed to make stone implements. In the early stage, stone implements were trimmed by striking of hammer stone and thus the rim was not so even. Coming to the middle stage, wooden stick or bone stick were used for trimming, which made the rim more even. In the late stage, the technique of trimming was further improved and the means of pressing was created. The pressed implements mainly included bone, horn or hardwood. The stone implements trimmed by means of pressing had become quite delicate.
When it came to the Neolithic Age, great progress had been made in stone implement manufacturing technique. First, certain procedure requirements had been made on selecion of stone, cutting, polishing, drilling, carving etc. When stone was seleced, it was firstly stroke into the embryonic form of stone implement. Theedge or the whole surface of the stone was place on rough stone for polishing by adding water and sand. Polished stone implements were thus made.
Compared with chipped stone implements, the sharpness of the edge on polished stone implements was increased so that resistance force was less, which made the implements play a bigger role in practical use.
The invention of drilling technique was another important achievement in the development of stone implements manufacturing technique. The purpose of drilling was to make integrated implements, which enabled stone implements to be solidly bound to wooden handle for ease of use and carry. Efficiency of labor was thus promoted.
The improvement in the implements of production in primitive society had strengthened people’s capability of fighting against nature. The scope of social production and social activities was gradually broadened. However, since the materials that could be manipulated by the ancient people were only limited to stone, wood, bone, horn and rope roughly made by natural fiber, the creation and development of implements were constrained.
Here, we will carefully observe and compare the differences between the Chinese stone implements discovered earlier and the stone implements unearthed in Shuidonggou at a later stage.
Number 007 Ningxia Shuidonggou is one of the earliest excavated ruin sites of Palaeolithic age and is honored as the “birthplace of Chinese prehistoric archaeology”, “Historical Testimony of Cultural Exchanges between the East and the West” and “one of the most significant archaeological discoveries among the 100 Chinese civilization sites”. The site is also known as one of the 100 national historical relics under preservation. It is honored as the national key cultural relic preservation unit and national geological park. Shuidonggou is also the best preserved three-dimensional composition of the ancient Great Wall military defense system.
Number 008 Geographical Overview of Shuidonggou
Shuidonggou is located at the southwest border of Erdos terrace. The Great Wall is located to the north of the site. from ancient times, it had been the borderline between the farming people and nomadic people. It serves now as the borderline between Ningxia and Erdos in Inner Mongolia. To the south of the Great Wall, there is a side ditch scoured out by seasonal river. Due to the underground water supply, a small river runs in-between the flat terrace all the year round, creating a gorge with steep sides. Perhaps because the ancient people would always like to live beside the river, most relics are found in the cliffs along the side ditch. Together with the ancient-troop hiding cave, the Great Wall, deep ditch and gorge have composed deep and high barriers and the frontier stronghold of Ming Dynasty. In order to protect the Great Wall, relics and to recover ecological environment,Shuidonggou Tourism Company has built a check dam separating the deep ditch into East and West parts. To the West of the dam is Reed Flower Valley and to the East lies the Red Mountain Lake. The river that runs from East to West for thousands of years has given birth to the profound cultural deposits, as well as the unique landscape that combines the beauty of the vast desert and the areas to the south of Yangtze River.
编号009 水洞沟的古环境特征
Number 009 Ancient Environment Features of Shuidonggou
According to the natural environment reflected by the animal fossil unearthed in the layer of Pleistocene Age, we can assume that in the Shuidonggou culture period, the natural environment here is desert steppe zone with gentle terrain. There had been a certain scale of Helanshan spruce growing here. Animals like wooly rhinoceros, Przewalski horse, Asiatic wild ass, deer, buffalo, Przewalski antelopes and ostrich had lived here. The cold and wet climate of the river valley and plain terrain in the East area of the Northern part of the country also has impact on Shuidonggou area, forming a small environment surrounded by waters and lakes. The earth was still in the Quaternary Ice Age 30,000 years ago. Being rich in water and plants, Shuidonggou was quite a suitable place for people to live in. The shimmering green lake was surrounded by luxuriant vegetation. Rhinoceros, Asiatic wild ass, Bos primigenius were leisurely feeding themselves in the thick growth of grass. Antelopes and Spirocerussp were feasting on the lush and tender leaves that are full of dewdrops. Herds of ostrich were running briskly in the sand dunes. Young adults, being male or female, were going hunting with sticks and stone implements along the lakes and steppe. Since the implements used by them were too primitive, they would sometimes fail to hunt one beast. To make a living, they had to dig for the rootstock and pick wild fruits and grass seeds. once animal was hunted, they would be light up with pleasure as if celebrating a festival. With the hide peeled off, everyone would sit around the roaring campfire to roast the food. When feeling delighted about the delicious food, they would start dancing merrily around the campfire.
Number 010 Wooly Rhinoceros
It is a kind of extinguished mammal which used to be the main target to be hunted by Shuidonggou people in Paleolithic age. Wooly rhinoceros had been equipped with long hair keeping out cold on its body surface, as well as bushy fur. The skull of such animal was long and big. Its head and neck drooped downward. Each rhinoceros horn was grown in the forehead and nose. The horn in the nose was particularly long and big, reaching out in inclination. It lived approximately in 2,000,000 to 10,000 years ago.
Wooly rhinoceros plays a significant role in the discovery of Shuidonggou. In 1919, a Belgium priest named Kent discovered a wooly rhinoceros skull in the cliff when passing Shuidonggou. He then told the news to his friend, a French paleontologist named E.Licent. The expedition and excavation made by E.Licent and P.Teilhard de Chardin in Shuidonggou later on had unveiled its thousands of years’ mystery.