
编号021 尾厅雕塑:迁徙在古人类历史研究中发现,人类在某一地方生活一个时期后,就会消失不见。那么,距今1万年之后,水洞沟的人类哪里去了,一直是考古界的一个谜,一种说法认为他们因环境的恶化或与当地已有人群发生竞争而走向灭绝,也不能排除他们与土著文化发生了融合从而丧失了独特的标志,还有一种说法认为他们又打道北归,到达蒙古、俄罗斯等欧亚大陆北部,之后一部分人因追逐水草丰美的环境到达美洲大陆,还有一部分人继续迁徙……流浪。从北到南、又从南到北,或许水洞沟人在后来的迁徙中和世界上其他一样,遵循适者生存的自然法则,融合于某个中,由于出土资料研究是一个漫长的过程,水洞沟遗址专题研究也会逐渐深入,在以后的研究报告中,或许能够揭开谜底。
Number 021 Sculpture of the Last Exhibition Hall
It is discovered in the research into the migration history of ancient humans that after living in one place for a certain period, they would simply disappear. Then it has always been a enigma wher had the Shuidonggou people gone after the time of 10,000 years ago. One statement indicates that they extincted due to the deteriorated environment or failing to compete with the original people living there and the possibility of having fusion with aboriginal culture and losing their unique sign. Another statement implies that they migrated back to the north part of Eurasia like Mongolia and Russia etc. After that, part of them reached the American Continent pursuing the environment being rich in water the vegetation. Still another part continued with the migration...leading a vagrant life. They came from the north to the south and went back from the south to the north. Perhaps Shuidonggou people are no difference with other nations in the world in their later migration, mixing with one nation by following the natural law: survival of the fittest. Since the research into the unearthed relics is long process, the monographic study on Shuidonggou site would be gradually deepened. The research reports published then might be able to reveal the truth.
编号022 张三小店
Number 022 Zhangsan Tavern
What we see now is Zhangsan tavern. In 2006, according to the memory of an aged peopled called Zhaolong who is the brother-in-law of Zhangsan, Shoudonggou Tourist Development Company restored Zhangsan tavern to memorize the farmer Zhangsan and his tavern that had contributed a lot to the discovery of Shuidonggou site.
In the early years of Republic of China, most people who crossed the Yellow River from Hengcheng ferry place would live here. With the booming business, there were plenty of rooms available. There were 7 main rooms while on the east side and west side 5 wing-rooms were respectively offered. It was in the 1920s when the road connecting Yinchuan and Linwu was built and Rencun ferry place was opened that the business of Zhangsan tavern became depressed day by day. The tavern was finally demolished in 1972.
After entering the yard, you will see four statues displayed there. They are French paleontologists P.Teilhard de Chardin, E.Licent, and Chinese archaeologists Pei, wenzhong and Jia, Lanpo, all of whom are outstanding people who had made significant contribution to the discovery and excavation of Shuidonggou site.
编号023 水洞沟村
Number 023 Shuidonggou Village
This village had been mentioned for several times by P.Teilhard de Chardin in his report on the expedition and excavation of Shuidonggou site. There are 29 round, square or oblong pits as ancient dwelling ruins located in the small village, whether being shallow or deep. According to the textual research of the experts, this is the ancient half under-ground buildings inherited from prehistoric time. They are usually called “Diwozi” by people from Northwest part of China. We have chosen to restore some of the ruins so that the visitors can directly sense the dwellings of the ancient people.
Such pit dwellings and cottages built by rammed earth were still in use back in 1960s.They both have the characteristic of being warm in Winter and being cool in Summer, which are quited similar to the well-known cave dwellings.
Number 024 Landmark Stele
This the landmark building of Shuidongggou Tourist Attraction. It take resembles of NO.9 pointed implement excavated in Shuidonggou. The model is magnified with modern material with 8m in height and 5.6m in width. The paleolith in Shuidonggou cultural ruin site is forged by hard siliceous limestone , which shows that Shuidonggou ancient people had mastered a comparatively advanced stone-chipping technique. As we can see, the pointed implement is chipped in an even and neat manner. Its shape is regular on both sides. It is one of the typical implements representing Shuidonggou culture. Such pointed implement is one of the unique implements in Shuidonggou as it is rarely seen in other relics of the same age in China.
编号025 一号考古发掘点
Number 025 Archaeological Excavation Site No. 1
These are the old archaeological sites. The one in step shape is the excavation site No. 2. It is the section left after the fifth archaeological excavation. Not only numerous stone implements and stonewares were unearthed but also the traces of using fire were discovered here.
编号058 呈凹槽状的是一号发掘点,自1923年始,前四次考古发掘都在此区域进行,共出土动物化石和石制品一万多件,这两个点也是12个发掘点中最重要的两个点。
The one in groove shape numbered 058 is the excavation site No.1. The first four archaeological excavations were carried out here since 1923. A total number of more than 10 thousand pieces of animal fossils and stonewares were unearthed here. These two sites are the most important among the 12 excavation sites.
Number 026 Reed Flower Valley
眼前的这段深沟峡谷,可直接到达原清水河的源头,灵武清水营。近年来,由于降水量少,边沟补水困难,沟底河床露出,遍布鹅卵石,其间只有涓涓细流流过。后经我公司进行保护性地开发利用,沟内已培育成长约一公里的“芦化谷”,春夏芦苇摇曳,一片葱绿可爱;秋冬芦花如雪, 白色的芦叶瑟瑟两岸是高约15米的断崖峭壁,它们共同构成了独具特色而又充满神秘色彩的塞外景观。
The deep canyon in front of us leads to the source of the original Pure Water River – Qingshuiying in Lingwu County. In the recent years, due to a lower rainfall level, Biangou has a low water supplement. River bed of the ditch and cobblestone with trickle can be seen. Lately, through the protection and development of Shuidonggou Tourist Company, a reed flower valley was cultivated alongside the ditch for as long as 1 kilometer. In spring and summer, the reeds, green and lovely, are swaying and flaring. In autumn and winter, the reed flowers are as white as snow flakes. The 15-meter cliff and white reed leaves constitutes the distinctive and mysterious natural landscape.
Number 027 The Great Wall
To build up defence against the invasion from minority groups, the Ming Dynasty had never stopped building the Great Wall. The overall length for this section of Great Wall is 387 li(around 190km). Meanwhile, 44000 deep holes with the form of Chinese character “Pin” was excavated at the outboard of the Great Wall. The deep holes are used for preventing cavalry horses approaching the wall. When the Ming Great Wall was built, the materials were found from local sources. The rammer layer was of yellow soil, about 10 to 14 cm and built alongside the Pure Water River. For convenience, the Yellow River Water was used for constructions. Since the color of the Yellow River water was in copper purple, the finished building was of the same color. So the place is named “Purple Barrier”.
Number 028 Beacon Tower
Beacon tower was built on the Great Wall at intervals of every 150 to 200 meters. These beacon towers were dedicatedly built for military alerting. Smoke was released at daytime while fire was held high at night time for alerting through one beacon tower after another. If a couple to a hundred enemies were discovered, beacon fire would lit at one tower with one gun fire. Two beacon fires would be lit with two gun fires for 500 enemies found. Three for more than 1000 enemies found, four for more than 5000 enemies and five beacon fires with five gun fires for more than 10,000 enemies found. In general, each beacon tower was equipped with flag, drum, crossbow, rope ladder, cannon rock, gunpowder, fire arrow, dung of wolves and cows, firewood etc. In this way, military intelligence could be passed to a town or administrative district. Such ancient alerting method was honored as “the earliest application of wireless in the world”.
Number 029 The Red Mountain Lake
When we climb onto the top of the dam, a special landscape of “smooth lake rising in the narrow gorges” is found. The lake is named after the Red Mountain area. The Red Mountain Lake was formed by water from the ditch with abundant water supply, stretching 2 kilometers to the East. There are eagles and cranes flying in the sky and mandarin ducks and wild ducks swimming among the water plants. With green weeds everywher, the scenery in the mountain is quite amazing.
From here, we can visit the Great Wall built along the water by taking a boat and sense the harmony between human beings and birds, as well as the unique temperament and interest of viewing reflected Great Wall and cliff in the water and enjoying the blue sky and white cloud mirrored at the bottom of the water. Such southern type scenery that combines the thought of “oneness of man and nature”, historical culture and current ecology is quite hard to come by. It may be called “with a boat running on the blue waves, visitors are traveling in a pictorial world”.